Automation for Financial Advisory Firms

Focus on success by delegating routine work to automation.

Our experience with financial advisory firms runs deep. We know that poor integration between financial and investment management systems leads to too much manual work, and creates recurring errors downstream. We can enhance your current software to automatically complete routine tasks and get data from one system into another. Your staff can keep using the tools they’re familiar with, more easily.

Accelerate or eliminate work in key areas

Automate or Optimize Processes

Automate client onboarding
Get new client work started quickly. Capture intake information, generate necessary documents, enter accounts across systems, and record essential client attributes to facilitate reporting.

Streamline employee onboarding
Let us help you nail down, streamline, and automate processes involving multiple steps, systems, documents, and approvers.

Update CRM, portfolio management, and trading systems
Update expected RMD amounts in your CRM and validate against downloaded transaction data. Update data from your portfolio management or trading platforms into your CRM or other database programs

Accounts payable and receivable
Speed up invoice approvals and payments. Get invoices to clients faster by automating steps throughout each process.

Verify production or capture of client files
Ensure that the full set of documents needed for each client have been produced or gathered, for the services they have engaged.

Integrate Systems and Data

Transfer or update data among systems
Eliminate manual data entry for exchanging information between systems, to save time and reduce the risk of errors.

Ensure repository consistency
Transfer up-to-date files between client repositories and portals according to rules about which files need to be shared.

Provide business reporting metrics across systems
Increase visibility into client servicing and firmwide metrics by gathering data from different systems into one place for reporting and analysis. Generate cross-system reports to aid in making decisions or communicating with clients.

Extract data from documents and input into systems
Capture essential data and input it into CRM, accounting, and other systems automatically.

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